As we all know, the on-demand economy is sky-rocketing, but have you ever wondered why Ride-hailing services have become investor’s most preferred business out of all different categories? Because the on-demand taxi business has been the winner of continuous demand. Don’t believe us? Here is the proof, in a Statista report, the worldwide revenue of car-hailing service is stated at the amount of 216.810 million US dollars in 2020. If you think this is it, then we are just getting started. These numbers are expected to increase at an 18% rate. 

Don’t you think the taxi app development service makes sense for startups and enterprises? Wouldn’t you agree if we say that taxi app development has changed the way people to book taxis? Taxi booking app development has made people shift from personal transportation to flexible online taxi booking solutions. To your surprise, the taxi app, like Uber and Lyft, has almost completed 45 million rides, according to a Statista report.  

If these numbers, the popularity, and statistics of the taxi service business are enough to influence you to develop an on-demand taxi app, then look no more. Read this article to the end, and you’ll find all your answers about how to create a taxi booking app and how much the taxi app development cost.  

Understanding an app development methodology is a bit complicated; hence, we will explain it with an example. For example, we are taking the most successful car-hailing service in the middle east called Careem. So, let’s get started. 

Elements of taxi app development like Careem 

Just like all other on-demand categories, if you wish to develop a taxi app like Careem, you will have to create three applications 

  1. Customer(passenger) app
  2. Driver’s application
  3. Admin Panel 

These are the essential elements that you should know before delving into developing an on-demand taxi booking application. These three applications will assemble to make one on-demand application. 

We will explain each application and its individual features and functionalities in detail. So, without any further ado, let’s get at it. 

Features of Passenger app

Features of the Passenger app  

The passengers who book a taxi will use this application. This application will contain all the features like Registering the passengers, Entering their location, Booking the ride, Fare calculation, and payment methods. Passenger app is where your users will interact; hence, you need to pay extra attention.  

Features of Driver’s app

This is the app where all the drivers and Captains are registered in your application.  Both the passengers and drivers will share several drivers connecting with a specific rider from the driver’s app. This app will consist of features like Ride accept/decline, Navigation, Cost Calculator, Payment, Active/Inactive options, etc. 

Features of an Admin panel

The admin panel is usually a web app where everything is managed and saved. You can review all the activities that happen in your app with the help of an admin panel. Let’s understand what the features of an admin panel are. 

Technologies to consider for the taxi-booking app. 

If you want to develop these features for a taxi-booking app like Careem, you will need a robust technology stack followed by your development partner. This technology stack of the Careem clone app must involve the latest and upgraded technologies, frameworks, and programming languages. What this technology stack will do is, it will give a significant, safe, and secure user experience. 

Here is the list of technologies to develop a taxi-booking app like Careem. 

For application and data


For other utilities


For developer operators 


Now that you know all the features, functionalities, and technologies required for taxi booking apps like Careem, it is time to check how much it will cost you to develop the final product. 

As mentioned earlier, if you create an on-demand taxi booking app like Careem, you will have to develop three applications, Driver’s app, Passenger’s app, and one app for your company, aka an Admin panel. Each application has its own features and functionalities, and you must pay for each application. Before we disclose the price of an app like Careem, look at the services you will pay to your development partner. 

  1. Mobile application design (UI and UX)
  2. native application development 
  3. Cross-platform app development
  4. Backend infrastructure
  5. Quality assurance and testing of the app
  6. Project management 

The total cost to develop an app like Careem will depend on the total hours of development in the mentioned process. The hourly charge may differ in the geolocation of your respected development partner. 

However, if you are thinking about your Taxi App Development Company in Kuwait, your app development cost might vary from $20,000 to $50,000. Please remember the price can vary according to the customization and your personal preferences.

Final words

As the world is adopting the pocket-friendly and convenient options for mobility and transportation, this is the right time to consider developing an app for a better car-hailing service. Take advantage of upgraded blockchain technology and assure your users of better services.  

Taxi app development will require a significant amount of time and money investment, but in the end, everything you invest should be worth every single penny. That is why it is imperative to find a reliable mobile app development company with the most suitable candidates in their power development team.